Category Archives: Space

Fearless Felix Baumgartner’s Gear

Space Suit

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Felix Baumgartner’s full- pressure suit is his only protection until he meets the safety of a lower level of atmosphere. This is the first time that a full-pressure suit has been used for a free fall attempt. The exterior of the suit is made of a material that is both fire retardant and is against extreme cold. The suit is designed to provide protection from temperatures of +100°F to -90°F. The helmet on the suit weighs about 8 pounds and is resistant to impact. The helmet will provide Felix with 100 percent oxygen to breathe.

High Altitude Balloon

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The balloon is filled with helium to make it float. The balloon is made with a material called polyethylene (plastic) film. Polyester-fiber can hold up to weights that are unbearable. Although the balloon can hold so much weight, it can easily rip by the wind. An interesting fact about the balloon is that it takes 8 hours of preparation immediately before launch, including about 45 to 60 minutes for insertion of the helium.

Chest Pack

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The chest pack was built mostly to keep him sane. It’s not too heavy or awkward to wear over his pressurized suit. One of the gadgets that are inside is the voice transmitter and receiver that connect to his helmet. Another one is a package that will be used by the world governing body for air sports and aeronautical world records to verify the records Felix hopes to establish.

Leave a comment below if you believe you could tie or even beat Felix’s record.