“By the Waters of Babylon”

American Poet and Author Stephen Benet


This is Stephen Benet, the author.

The person in Stephen Benet’s short story “By the Waters of Babylon” is very cautious and calm. He does have a really brave attitude and does not show emotion easily. I think it is important that a protagonist of a story has these characteristics, because the reader wants to see a smart man and him using his brain to solve situations. Also, the reader wants him to have brave qualities.

At the end of the story John says “Perhaps, in the old days, they ate knowledge too fast.” I think this means that we are not stopping to enjoy and savor the knowledge we partake of. We are learning the minimum of the subject and then we move on. We need to take in what we are learning and fully absorb the knowledge before moving on to the next section.

Stephen Benet’s short story “By the Waters of Babylon” was written in 1937. At that time, nobody had nuclear weapons. Benet talks about complete destruction of a civilization and I think that these do not have relevance because he couldn’t possibly know what s going to happen in the future.

Leave a comment below if you know what comes next in the sentence below.

 Remember kid, there’s heroes and there’s legends. Heroes get remembered but legends ____________, follow your ________ kid, and you’ll never go wrong.

Need a hint? It’s from this scene in “The Sandlot”.



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