Romeo and Juliet News Article: Two teenagers and the kinsman of the Prince found dead in Verona Churchyard

Two teenagers and the kinsman of the Prince found dead in Verona Churchyard.

            Last night, a young man (Romeo Montague)

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, woman (Juliet Capulet)

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, and David Paris

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was found dead in Verona’s Churchyard. Juliet was supposed to marry Paris, but never truly loved him. She was in love the young Romeo Montague. On Monday afternoon, Romeo and Juliet meet at Friar Laurence’s cell and get married in secret. Paris nor anybody had a clue that they were married. After the wedding, Friar came up with a plan to get Juliet out of marrying Paris. Friar came up with a planthat she takes a drug that will make her look dead so that she can sneak away with Romeo when she wakes up.  On Tuesday evening, Juliet takes the drugs and in the morning they find her “dead.” The drugs that she took make her heart beat so slowly that it seems you do not have pulse. On Thursday, the wedding was called off and Romeo thinks she is dead. On Thursday night, they laid Juliet in the churchyard. Paris and a servant are the first ones to arrive at Juliet’s tomb, and Romeo and Balthasar arrive shortly after that. Romeo gives Balthasar a letter (his suicide note) and sends him away to deliver it. It seems to believe that Romeo actually killed Paris, and Romeo kills himself because he could not live with his love. Right after Romeo committed suicide, Juliet wakes up, and stabs herself since she can’t live without Romeo.

Leave a comment below if you know the answer to this riddle, you use a knife to slice my head and weep beside me when I am dead. What am I?

Romeo and Juliet News Article: Two people found dead on Verona streets and a man banished from the city.

Two people found dead on Verona streets and a man banished from the city.

On Monday afternoon, the Montague and Capulet families were at it again! Mercutio, some may say to be jester or prankster, was seen arguing with Tybalt Capulet (Juliet Capulet’s cousin on her mother’s side). Then a young man from the Montague family stepped between them and told them to stop. That made Tybalt angry, so he challenged the young Romeo to battle but, Romeo refused to. So Mercutio, battles Tybalt for his young friend, and pleases the crowd by doing so. At first it started out as them two were merely playing fighting, but it ended with Mercutio bleeding out from a stab wound to the stomach. Romeo taking revenge for Mercutio’s death, he encounters Tybalt in battle. There were fighting down the streets of Verona with a crowd of Montague’s and Capulet’s following them. Tybalt kicked Romeo’s sword out of his hand and kicks dirt in Romeos face. Tybalt was about to pierce him with his sword but Romeo takes a dagger from his belt and stabs him in the stomach. Romeo flees the crime scene quickly. Later that day, The Prince orders that Romeo be banished.

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This is a family tree of the Montague and Capulet families.

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This is Mercutio Montague.

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This is Tybalt Capulet.

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This is Romeo.

Leave a comment below if you can answer this riddle: Throw it off the highest building, and I’ll not break. But put me in the ocean, and I will. What am I?


Kenzo’s Journal Entry

January 3, 1938

So today was not a good day. I encountered my old lover, (that I secretly still love), and it feels like she doesn’t even remember that we were engaged! I was having a great visit with Matsu and Sachi and then I found out that they have been lying to me about their passionate feelings they are sharing between them. Then I found out that Sachi covers the left side of her scarred face from her leprosy! I feel like when we were in our youth, everything was so much easier. Physically and mentally. Sure, I and Matsu always had competition for Sachi, as beautiful as ever, but not as tense as right now. Otherwise, I did meet a wonderful human being the other day! A young adult name Stephen that seems like a nice guy with a positive attitude. He seems to be doing Matsu good and keeping company.



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This is what I imagine Kenzo would look like in real life.

Leave a comment below if you know the answer to this riddle: I run over fields and woods all day. Under the bed at night I sit not alone. My tongue hangs out, up and to the rear, waiting to be filled in the morning. What am I?



Matsu’s Letter to Stephen

Dear Stephen, I’m sorry, but I don’t like you very much. Are relationship is just not meant to happen. I mean come on, you’re like 12 and I’m 92! I don’t even know what type of music you like! If you want a real friend, stay out of my super Zen house and go into the world, find a fish in this koi pond we call life. Do you really want a wrinkly old koi fish like me? I hope you say no to that question. Also, I should bring up the fact that I saw you bathing house. As you seem like a nice kid, I have one job in life and that’s to keep my super sweet Zen house together. Alive. This is not a democracy anymore Stephen. You leave my house now. Over all though, biggest problem is that we have nothing in common.

Love Matsu


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This is what I imagine Matsu looking like in real life.

Leave a comment below if you know the answer to this riddle: The man who invented it doesn’t want it. The man who bought it doesn’t need it. The man who needs it doesn’t know it. What is it?

Sachi’s Journal Entry

December 24, 1937

Well today was a nice day. My really good friend from way back when, Matsu, walked all the way to my house in the mountains to come say hello unexpectedly. Actually Matsu visiting unexpected was not the most unexpected thing to happen today. The most unexpected thing he did was bring his friend named Stephen. I didn’t mind have a new visitor, but a little warning that he was coming would have been nice so I could have been more prepared for him to visit. Also I had many questions for Stephen. Like how old is he? Did he have a young lad in his life? Does he play any sports? Etc. The next day, they came over again. This time Stephen brought me a present for my hospitality. It was the painting of the ocean. I thought it was lovely! I’m sure I will find a good place to hang the wonderful painting. I think me and Stephen are going to be wonderful friends!


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This what I imagine Sachi would look like.

Leave a comment below if you know the answer to this riddle: I have holes in my top and bottom, my left and right, and in the middle. But I still hold water. What am I?


Andrew Garfield “The Amazing Spiderman” Says he was Bullied at School and Wants to Help Battle Bullying

The Amazing Spider-Man actor had a tough time growing up and started to read comic books when he was picked on as a schoolboy in Surrey, South East England.

But he was more thankful for the bullies than you would expect according to what he said to the Daily Newspaper. He said “I like to say I was thankful to my school bully, because without him, I wouldn’t be in this position now.”

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Andrew Garfield was motivated by his experiences of being bullied as a kid, to go and speak to youngsters at kids town in Brixton, South London about, well, anything!
 The kids asked things like “How do you pee in a Spider-Man suit?”, and “If you weren’t Spiderman, what would you want your job to be?”. As he was answering all the kids questions, the whole group was grubbing on some pizza. 
Before all this though he showed up in just his Spidey suit did some painting, shot some hoops, then scooted away. He came back as Andrew Garfield, and said ” sorry I’m late!”
The Kids got a kick out of that!
At the end of the day, he told the kids that

”I thought that [being sensitive] was a weakness, but I realize now those sensitivities can be real strength. Today I celebrate my sensitivities.”

Having that mentality will defeat any bully any day.

Leave a comment below and tell me if you had a cooler experience with a super hero.





‘The Walking Dead’ Terminus: Maybe They Don’t Eat People

They’re snatch folks, lockup them in train cars, and keep all their possessions. There’s a untidy pile of bones lying about. Rick knocks away the meat after it came off the grill.


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By now you should assume that those “Termites” are not any worse than the walkers themselves. But then again, we didn’t see any of them actually devouring any human meat right before our eyes.

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Scott Gimple confirms that those are human bones, but he warned us not assume that the “Termites” are cannibals.

“As far as the bones go, that doesn’t necessarily mean that they ate those people – but it definitely doesn’t seem like anything good happened, either,” said Gimple. “We’re going to learn more about Gareth and Terminus [early next season], with answers that will come fast and furious.”

Well I beliieve that you cant assume that there cannibals, but you can assume that they are bad people up to know good. Robert Kirkman says this about the cannabalism theory,

They’re actually a lot more dangerous and a little bit scarier when it all comes to light.”

What can be more scarier or more dangerous than luring in people and eating a human being?

Leave a comment below and tell me what you believe the “Termite’s” are up too.

Dude Perfect: Stereotypes

Dude Perfect is a YouTube channel that performs crazy trick shot with any type of ball. The Dude Perfect group consists of current Texas A&M students that live together as roommates and make these videos for fun. The cluster commented that the shots relied additional on American football skills than basketball. They now have over two million subscribers on their YouTube channel.

They are starting to move away from their original trick shot videos, and starting to make golden stereotypical comedy. Here are the seven videos of their “Dude Perfect” series Stereotypes.

Since I own a shake weight, I consider myself the “as seen on tv” guy. Also, who doesn’t love to belt out some beautifully singing during a good workout?

I would have to say I am the “misses all game, but banks in a 3 for the win” guy, or the “my bad” guy.

I think I am the “sand trapped” guy and the “insists on trying a Happy Gilmore” guy

Seeing that I tried to trade Chad Ochocinco for Adrian Peterson last year, I think I would call myself the “ridiculous trader”.

I could from 20 minutes of Madden to 2 hours of Madden just by saying “one more”.

Leave a comment below and tell me which “guy” are you!

Bob Dylan was the Voice of a Generation

Bob Dylan (born Robert Allen Zimmerman on May 24, 1941 in Duluth, Minnesota, United States) is a Yankee musician, Associate in Nursing and creative person whose position in fashionable culture is exclusive. While attending the University of Gopher State in 1959, he would play native clubs and mention taking a road trip across America to expertise what troubadour had done. Around that time he modified his name to Bob Dylan, because he felt it measured cool. In Jan 1961 he dropped out of college and headed for brand spanking new House of York town to become a professional artist, and he additionally wished to satisfy his idol songwriter Woody Guthrie. He commenced playing in little clubs and coffeehouses in Greenwich Village, wherever he would before long create a reputation for himself and that’s where his career started to launch.

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He broke down the sentiment that you need to have a strong singing voice in order to make good music, therefore changing the vocalist’s role in a band.

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In the 60’s Bob Dylan was at the height of his career, and helped The Beatles convert in to their reflective song writing which would have never happened without Bob Dylan’s influence.

In the comments below tell me who you think is one of the most inspirational artists of all time.